Looping the loop - B1 EDITION
AIM OF THE GAME: to create 6 sets of 6 cards as quickly as possible by answering correctly the question on the cards.
Each set of questions forms a loop, where the answer to one question takes you to the next one.
Select any card from the pack (literally any card they are all connected) and place it in front of you.
Read the question and choose 1 of the 4 possible answers (only 1 is correct). Next to each answer, you will find a number. Select the card from the pack that corresponds to the number of the correct answer and place it next to your previous card.
Repeat this process until you have 6 cards in the set, if the correct answer of the 6th question of the set points back to the 1st card of the set, congratulations, that means you have selected the correct answers and you have formed your first set.
If you have completed the set, then select another card from the pack and start over again until you have successfully formed 6 sets.
If once you have 6 cards they don't form a set, then at least one of your answers was incorrect - change your choices until you have a complete set!
PERFECT as part of a escape room!
Un pack con 36 tarjetas pregunta con 4 respuestas en cada una y una hoja con las instrucciones de ese adictivo juego.